Jumat, 22 April 2011

driver canon pixma mp258 for windows

canon pixma mp258 is complited printer performance, this printer include with scaner and have a low price. With this multifunction this printer is favorite for home and small office implementation. Driver canon pixma mp258 is donwloadale please click link download bellow :

printer driver :

My Printer Ver. 2.8.0 (Windows 7/7 x64/Vista/Vista64/XP/2000)

scanner driver :

MP Navigator EX Ver. 3.04 (Windows 7/7 x64/Vista/Vista64/XP/2000)

canon pixma MP258 have good speed for print and have good quality of scan, really recomended multifungtional printer for home and samll office.

other driver :

driver aspire 2920 for windows

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